At age 80, Bill Marriott is a social media pioneer. His CEO blog, Marriott on the Move, is widely praised for its transparency. As his editor, Jay Hamilton helped select topics ranging from gay rights to global travel to summer reading. Mr. Marriott does not type or own a computer. Instead he takes notes and dictates. Marriott on the Move is distributed to three outlets –, Huffington Post and LinkedIn where it once received 465,000 views.
"It’s actually his voice, folksy, devoid-of-business jargon. His blog is like having a hamburger with him: He tells stories about his family, his company, and even his golden retriever Murphy."
– The Washington Post
"Known throughout the industry for his hands-on management style, Mr. Marriott has built a highly regarded culture that emphasizes the importance of Marriott’s people."
– Huffington Post
Best Corporate Blogs to Inspire You
#1 Marriott on the Move
"Bill Marriott doesn’t always write about the hotel business, but his content is interesting and dynamic, and it raises brand awareness."
– Ragan Communications
Blogs Their Fans Can’t Get Enough Of
"#1: Marriott on the Move – The personal touch is evident in every post with Bill Marriott’s signature sign-off line, 'I’m Bill Marriott and thank you for helping me keep Marriott on the move'.”
– Social Media Today