Council on Competitiveness' executive meeting was covered live by CNBC.

Deloitte's Michelle Rodriguez discusses the latest global manufacturing report.

Council on Competitiveness' executive meeting was covered live by CNBC.
Browse through our recent 'earned media' slideshow. We've worked with some of the top corporations in the country –Deere & Co., FedEx, US Steel, Royal Dutch Shell, PepsiCo and Exelon. We negotiated a media partnership with CNBC who sent anchor Sara Eisen to broadcast live from the National Competitiveness Forum in Washington.
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op-ed Placements
The New York Times op-ed editor wrote, "If you find writing op-eds easy, you’re doing it wrong." They require offering an opinion that's timely and provocative. Remember, the easiest decision a reader can make is to stop reading. We've placed op-eds with major news outlets.
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